If you would like to propose a development on your parcel that does not fall within its current zoning district's permitted or discretionary uses, you may be required to rezone your parcel to a more suitable zoning district. Rezoning a parcel requires an amendment to the RM's Zoning Bylaw and must follow a specific process outlined by the province. Altogether, the rezoning process can take between 2 and 4 months.
Rezoning Process
1a. Submit a Rezoning Application to the RM Office by dropping it off in-person, mailing it to 100 Hutchence Road, Emerald Park, SK, S4L 1C6, or by emailing it to info@edenwold-sk.ca. You will also be required to pay a rezoning fee of $500 for the first parcel and $50 for each additional parcel.
1b. Depending on your parcel's Future Land Use (FLU) designation, you may also be required to submit a Redesignation Application to the RM Office. You may also be required to pay a redesignation fee of $2500. The redesignation process is similar to the rezoning process and will occur concurrently.
2. An RM Planner will present your application to Council for 1st reading.
3. If the bylaw is given 1st reading, an RM planner will organise a public hearing for the bylaw amendment. This hearing must be advertised in the Quad Town Forum for a minimum of 2 weeks, with the first advertisement published at least 15 days before the public hearing. A letter must also be sent to all property owners within a certain distance of your parcel. You will be responsible for paying all advertising costs - the Quad Town costs between $400 and $600, and letters are sent out at $1.50 per letter. The location of your parcel determines the distance requiring letters:
Emerald Park | 150 meters from the parcel |
Within the Development Overlay Area, but outside of Emerald Park | 800 meters from the parcel |
Outside the Development Overlay Area | 1600 meters from the parcel |
4. At the public hearing, an RM planner will present the bylaw amendment for 2nd and 3rd readings. The public hearing will also give other members of the public the opportunity to make verbal or written submissions to Council. As the applicant, you are invited to attend the public hearing. If you attend, you may also make a verbal submission to Council arguing in favour of your amendment.
5. If the bylaw is given 2nd and 3rd reading and all relevant costs have been paid, an RM planner will submit the bylaw amendment to the province for review. From the date of submission, the province has 30 days to respond.
6. If the bylaw receives approval from the province, you can apply for a development permit. If the province rejects the bylaw, you can re-apply after making the required changes to the application.