Garbage, Recycling & Composting

2025 Emerald Park and Residential Subdivision Collection Calendar

2025 Jameson Estates and Casa Rosa Collection Calendar

The RM encourages residents to take a Reduce - Reuse - Recycle approach to garbage, recycling and compost. There is recycling bin at the rural shop, off Hwy 46 on Range Road 2175. It is emptied every Friday.
To learn more about ways to reduce the amount of waste you create, click here.

Spring/Fall Clean-Up Bin

The RM organizes spring clean-up bins for residents in May and fall clean-up bins in October. These bins, located on Hutchence Road past the RM Office, are for leaves, branches, and grass only, i.e. yard waste. If the bins are full, please hold on to your yard waste until the next business day. Please do not pile any material outside the bins. 

Anything brought in plastic bags must be removed before entering the bin. Plastic contaminates the bins and forces them to go to the landfill instead of the land farm. This results in a substantial cost increase for residents. If you must use bags, please use paper or compostable bags.


The RM organizes garbage pickup for Emerald Park and residential subdivisions (except Jameson Estates and Casa Rosa) every Wednesday. Please have your cart out by 7:00 am. To learn more about Loraas Disposal Curbside pickup, click here.

Jameson Estates and Casa Rosa have garbage pickup every Tuesday. Please have your cart out by 7:00 am.

Note: Please do not dispose of hazardous waste in the garbage. The RM organizes a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Day annually in Sep/Oct. To learn more about Household Hazardous waste, click here.

If your garbage cart is lost or damaged, you will be invoiced the cost of purchasing a new cart.


The RM organizes recycling pickup for Emerald Park and residential subdivisions (including Jameson Estates and Casa Rosa) every other Thursday. Please have your cart out by 7:00 am. To learn more about Loraas Recycling Curbside pickup, click here.

For a list of approved recycling items, click here.

Non-household recycling such as oil, metal, car parts, concrete, paint, construction debris, furniture, asphalt, chemicals, sod, stones and tires can not be disposed of in your carts.

If your recycling cart is lost or damaged, you will be invoiced the cost of purchasing a new cart.

Compost - Opt-in

The RM organizes compost pickup for Emerald Park and residential subdivisions (including Jameson Estates and Casa Rosa) every Friday on a seasonal basis: pickup is weekly from April 1st to October 31st, and monthly (on the first Friday of the month) from November 1st to March 31st. Please have your cart out by 7:00 am.

Compost service is an opt-in program that reduces the amount of waste going to the landfill (thus increasing the landfill's lifespan). Composting reduces the amount of hazardous liquid, called leachate, entering the environment (Leachate: An Avoidable Threat to Human Health and the Environment), and allows food waste to be beneficially repurposed.

If your compost cart is lost or damaged, you will be invoiced the cost of purchasing a new cart.

Please fill out this form and submit it to the RM office to opt in or out for compost pickup.

Please fill out this form and submit it to the RM office to receive an additional carts.


Commercial and Industrial Business Properties

The RM does not organize garbage, recycling, or compost pickup for private commercial or industrial business properties. As a business owner, you are responsible for securing garbage, recycling, and compost pickup through a private service supplier.