Upcoming Public Hearings & Open Houses


Public Hearings

Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 in RM of Edenwold Council Chambers

11:00 AM

1. Discretionary Use Application: Home-based Business, Major, at 9 Diamond Road, Emerald Park (Lot 16 Blk/Par 3 Plan 84R38664)

2. Discretionary Use Application: Commercial, Large Scale, at 6 South Plains Road, Emerald Park (Lot 14 Blk/Par 3 Plan 102234158)

Intent: To allow for a commercial store with a floor area greater than 801m2. The proposed business is a grocery store. 

For further information or to submit written comments for the public hearing, contact Susan Stevenson at 306-347-2965 or planning@edenwold-sk.ca

3. Bylaw 2024-34 Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment

Intent: To amend Section 4.2 of the Zoning Bylaw to add the ability for Council, at their discretion, to approve a minor deviation from the minimum or maximum site sizes in the case of a lot line re-arrangement (i.e. where the legal boundaries of existing sites are being changed and no new sites are being subdivided). To be approved by Council, the resulting site sizes would still need to meet the overall intent of the zoning district in which the land is located. 

Click here to read Bylaw 2024-34.

For further information or to submit written comments for the public hearing, contact Jessica McCartney at 306-540-5600 or planning@edenwold-sk.ca

Public Hearing

Tuesday,February 11th, 2025 in RM of Edenwold Council Chambers

11:00 AM

Bylaw No. 2024-33 - Zoning Map Change: To rezone 10 acres in proposed Parcel A, SW ¼ 12-18-17 W2M from AR - Agricultural Resource District to CR1 – Country Residential 1 District.

IntentTo make the appropriate Zoning Bylaw amendment to accommodate the subdivision of a new residential yard site. 

For further information or to submit written comments for the public hearing, contact Ola Awara at 306-347-2963 or planning@edenwold-sk.ca