The purpose of the RM's Building Bylaw is to regulate the building permit application, issuance, and enforcement processes. Municipalities adopt building bylaws to administer The Construction Codes Act and The Building Code Regulations.
The RM's current Building Bylaw was adopted in 2015 and was due for a comprehensive review and update, particularly with recent changes to provincial legislation.
If you are regularly involved in the building permit process or want to learn more about the proposed Building Bylaw, please consider attending the Open House scheduled for Wednesday, October 9 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the RM Office.
Click here to review the draft Building Bylaw.
For more information, contact Jessica McCartney at (306) 540-5600 or jessica.mccartney@edenwold-sk.ca.
Public Hearings
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 in RM of Edenwold Council Chambers
11:00 am
Bylaw No. 2024-22 - Zoning Map Change, Parcel D, NW 1/4 31-17-17 W2M (AR to IND1-C)
Intent: To rezone 2.53 acres in proposed Parcel D, NW 1/4 31-17-17 W2M (shown on the map below) from AR - Agricultural Resource District to IND1-C - General Industrial 1 District by Contract. This subdivision and rezoning application is to accommodate a charter bus storage and maintenance business.
A contract zone is an agreement with development standards meant to address the unique circumstances of a development proposal. In this case, the contract zone allows for fewer permitted and discretionary uses than what is typically allowed in the IND1 – General Industrial 1 zone.
Click here to view Bylaw 2024-22.
For further information or to provide a written submission for the public hearing, please contact Jessica McCartney, Senior Planner at (306) 540-5600 or jessica.mccartney@edenwold-sk.ca.
Bylaw No. 2024-24 - Zoning Map Change, Parcel AA, NW 1/4 34-18-17 W2M (AR/AR-C to CR1)
Intent: To rezone 22acres in proposed Parcel AA (shown on the map below) from AR - Agricultural Resource District/AR-C - Agricultural Resource District by Contract to CR1 – Country Residential 1 District to accommodate the subdivision of one residential yard site.
Click here to view Bylaw 2024-24.
For further information or to provide a written submission for the public hearing, please contact Jessica McCartney, Senior Planner at (306) 540-5600 or jessica.mccartney@edenwold-sk.ca.
Bylaw No. 2024-25 - Zoning Map Change, Parcel A, NE 1/4 16-17-18 W2 (AR to CR1)
Intent: To rezone 10.4 acres in proposed Parcel E (shown on the map below) from AR - Agricultural Resource District to CR1 – Country Residential 1 District to accommodate the subdivision of one residential yard site.
Click here to view Bylaw 2024-25.
For further information or to provide a written submission for the public hearing, please contact Jessica McCartney, Senior Planner at (306) 540-5600 or jessica.mccartney@edenwold-sk.ca
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 in RM of Edenwold Council Chambers
11:00 am
Discretionary Use Application: Cannabis Retail Outlet 420 – 6 South Plains Road, Lot 14-Blk/Par 3-Plan 102234158 Ext 0
Intended Discretionary Use: To allow for a cannabis retail outlet in a shopping centre zoned location.
Any person may inspect the bylaws online or at the RM office located at 100 Hutchence Road, Emerald Park, Saskatchewan between 9 am and 5 pm from Monday to Friday, excluding statutory holidays. Copies are available at cost.
Council will hold a public hearing to receive submissions, written or verbal, on the proposed rezoning application at 11:00 am on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, in the RM Council Chambers at 100 Hutchence Road in Emerald Park. Written submissions will be presented to Council and can be sent by mail or email. For further information, please contact Susan Stevenson, Planner at (306) 347-2965 or planning@edenwold-sk.ca.