Current & Completed Projects

Servicing Agreement Fees and Development Levy Bylaw

The RM of Edenwold is currently undertaking an update of the RM’s servicing agreement fees and drafting the RM’s first development levy bylaw. Together, these policies enable the fees charged to new development that fund capital costs resulting from growth and development, supporting a “growth pays for growth” model.

The Development Levy Bylaw (Bylaw 2024-12) was approved Council on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. 

The Servicing Agreement Fees and Performance Securities Policy is currently under review. At this time, it is anticipated that the updated policy will be brought to Council this fall, with implementation of the new fee structure on January 1, 2025. 

Civic Address Registry

The RM of Edenwold is working with the Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency to assign civic addresses to all properties in the RM. These addresses will be registered on the Civic Address Registry (CAR) system and made available to 911-First Responders during emergencies.

The RM will be systematically moved across the municipality, ensuring all properties have a civic address. Depending on the road and location, your address may be a Township or Range Road address (for example: 12345 Range Road 2182) or a Common Road address (for example: 12 Green Street). By providing the 911 operator with your address, they will be able to dispatch first responders to quickly and efficiently locate your property and respond to your emergency.

Once all civic addresses have been assigned using the CAR system, the municipality will implement an addressing signage program. This program will give you a recognizable and standardized sign that first responders and other drivers can use while travelling on the road. 

To support the roll-out of the signage program, the RM adopted a Bylaw 2022-52 Civic Addressing Bylaw. To review the bylaw, please click here. This bylaw outlines all requirements for the civic addressing registry and address signage.

If you are curious about your civic address, please call 306-771-2522.

UPDATE: Nearly 700 civic address signs have been received with installation beginning in early July in Divisions 1 and 2.

Comprehensive Development Proposal

Comprehensive Development Proposals (CDPs) are documents developers must submit to the Municipality when undertaking large development projects. CDPs are required by the Zoning Bylaw for any application to rezone, subdivide, re-subdivide, or re-develop 3 or more lots/sites, or for smaller areas if deemed appropriate and necessary. Some CDPs that have been approved by the RM include:

If you have any questions about these or other CDPs, please contact the RM at (306) 771-2522 or by email at

Vista Springs

Vista Springs is phase 2 of a new residential community developed by BMA Ventures planned for L.S.D. 16, Section 12-17-18-W2 (south of Meadow Ridge Estates). The project proposes a residential condominium development of 11 residential lot, common space, and walking trails. As part of this process, the developer also requests that the land be rezoned to CR3 — Country Residential 3.

In collaboration with the developer, the RM of Edenwold hosted a public open house on Thursday, December 2nd, 2021, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the RM Office, 100 Hutchence Road, Emerald Park. This open house allowed neighbours to learn about the proposed development and ask questions. 

Council approved the zoning amendment and recommended approval of the subdivision at the February 27, 2024 regular meeting of Council. The application has been approved by Community Planning. 

Vista Springs Rendering

Open House Invitation and Information Sheet

For more information, please contact the RM at (306) 771-2522 or by email at

Municipal District of Prairieview

The RM of Edenwold and Village of Edenwold are currently going through the process of creating the province's first Municipal District. A Municipal District (MD) is a type of municipality (like Rural Municipality, Village, Town, or City) created when two or more municipalities choose to come together, pool their resources, and create an entirely new entity. Unlike RMs or Villages/Towns/Cities which are solely considered rural or urban, a Municipal District is regarded as both! By being considered both urban and rural in the province's eyes, a Municipal District benefits by having access to services and programs that would be otherwise restricted.

While mentioned in provincial law, there are currently no Municipal Districts in Saskatchewan - thus, the MD of Prairieview would be the first of its kind in the province! It will create net efficiencies within the area; it will not compromise the service provided to residents and businesses, but instead, create a more effective service flow.

To learn more about the Municipal District, click here.