Municipal District

The RM of Edenwold and Village of Edenwold are currently going through the process of creating the province's first Municipal District. A Municipal District (MD) is a type of municipality (like Rural Municipality, Village, Town, or City) created when two or more municipalities choose to come together, pool their resources, and create an entirely new entity. Unlike RM's or Villages/Towns/Cities which are solely considered rural or urban, a Municipal District is regarded as both! By being considered both urban and rural in the province's eyes, a Municipal District benefits by having access to services and programs that would be otherwise restricted.

While mentioned in provincial law, there are currently no Municipal Districts in Saskatchewan - thus, the MD would be the first of its kind in the province! It will create net efficiencies within the area; it will not compromise the service provided to residents and businesses, but instead, create a more effective service flow.

By joining together, the RM and Village can realize the following benefits through the formation of a Municipal District (MD):

1. Administrative efficiencies and more flexibility;
2. Savings through economies of scale;
3. Service level improvements gained through the sharing of equipment and assets; and
4. Opportunities to explore options to broaden and enhance services and operations.

The RM and Village collected resident perspectives through various public engagement opportunities. This included two open houses - one for Village residents on Monday, September 27th, 2021, from 6 to 8 pm, and another meeting for RM residents on Wednesday, September 29th, 2021, from 1 to 4 and 6 to 8 pm.

Presentation Slides from September Open Houses

Based on the results of both open houses, RM staff also designed a survey. This survey allowed the RM to collect more information regarding resident attitudes and questions about the MD. The survey had 12 questions and took approximately 8 minutes to complete. The survey was open from November 26th to December 5th, 2021. The RM promoted the survey through social media and on the RM's website.

To provide further information and answer questions posed during the survey process, the RM organised an Open House on Thursday, January 6th, 2022, from 3 pm to 8 pm at the RM Office at 100 Hutchence Road, Emerald Park. This come-and-go open house allowed residents and business owners of the RM or Village the opportunity to ask questions and learn more about the Municipal District. It also provided answers to specific questions posed during the September open houses and in the survey.

Presentation Slides from January Open House

On January 25th, 2022, the Administrators of both the RM and Village and the Mayor of the Village and Reeve of the RM signed the Restructuring Agreement. This agreement outlines the legislative and legal framework for the new MD of Prairieview. The agreement has been sent to the Minister of Government Relations for approval. The RM and Village anticipate the Minister will sign a ministerial order dissolving the old municipalities and creating the new Municipal District of Prairieview in early 2023.

MD of Prairieview Application to the Minister

Addendum to the MD of Prairieview Application

MD of Prairieview Restructuring Agreement

If you have any questions about the Municipal District, please contact the RM at (306) 771-2522 or